​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kane County Service by Publication

Serving a summons through publication in a newspaper

Service by Publication means that a notice is published in a newspaper in the area where the lawsuit was filed.​​​​ Find more information about Service by Publication​​ on Illinois Legal Aid Online's website. 

Step-by-step instructions

If the Circuit Clerk is contacting the newspaper for you, follow these Circuit Clerk contacting the newspaper instructions | Circuit Clerk contacting the newspaper instructions in Spanish

​If you are contacting the newspaper, follow these If you are contacting the newspaper instructions | If you are contacting the newspaper instructions in Spanish

Court forms you will need for Service by Publication

​These are the forms you will need. They are all available on the Kane County Circuit Clerk's website under forms.

Affidavit for Service by Publication | ​​​Affidavit for Service by Publication Sample Form

Authorization to Place Legal Publication​ | Authorization to Place Legal Publication Sample Form

Publication Notice​ | Publication Notice Sample Form


Some local area newspapers

​​​Aurora Beacon News

Elgin Courier News

Daily Herald

Elburn Herald

Shaw Newspapers

The Voice

La Voz Chicago​​​

Public Notice Illinois

​Find and print your notice after it has run for three consecutive weeks on the Public Notice Illinois website.


Filing your court forms with the Kane County Circuit Clerk​

​Use Odyssey eFile Illinois​to electronically file (eFile) your court forms and your public notice from Public Notice Illinois with the Kane County Circuit Clerk.

If you need an exemption from eFiling, your must submit a Certification for Exemption from eFiling form along with your other court documents at the Kane County Circuit Clerk's Office​.