About Courthouse Wedding Ceremonies
How many people can attend my wedding?
There is no limit on how many people may attend a wedding.
Can I take pictures of the ceremony in the courtroom?
This is up to the Judge who is performing your ceremony. You may, however, take photos when you are outside of the Courthouse building.
Do I have to have witnesses?
No, you do not have to have witnesses.
Who performs the wedding ceremony?
A Judge will perform your ceremony. Judges rotate on a daily basis.
What should we expect for the ceremony?
You will be married by an assigned judge in his/her courtroom. It is not a private ceremony, courtrooms are open to the public. The ceremony will take about 15 minutes.
Where is the location of the ceremony?
We have two locations where weddings are performed:
When you schedule your wedding date, you will see which location the ceremony will take place.
Are interpreters provided?
No, if you need an interpreter, you must bring someone with you who can interpret for you.
Are we expected to write out vows?
Weddings will not be performed after 4:00 p.m.
What do I need to bring?
How much does it cost?
Wedding ceremonies cost $10 which you will pay to the Circuit Clerk when checking in.
Can we bring decorations?
Decorations are not allowed in the courtroom.
How do I change my name to include my new spouse's name?
Once you receive the certified copy of your marriage certificate from the
Kane County Clerk's Office (this may take up to 2 weeks after your marriage), you will need to take the certified copy with you to whatever agency or institution with whom you would like your name changed (bank, driver's license facility, social security office) as proof of your legal marriage.